Tattoo Me Cooler - Hard Seltzer

Darling Girl


Darling Girl


It’s funny, I don’t really think of myself as tattooed but this is how I am at this moment in time and it feels right for right now.

I was living in London studying and my mother came and visited me.  She left me a card which started with “Darling girl” and said how proud she was of me and my life choices.  It was very special to me and she has such lovely handwriting I knew I wanted to keep it with me it but the thing was my mother hates tattoos.  Getting this special piece of her tattooed on me, although it is a little ironic, was me expressing the fact that I continue to make my own decisions.  I certainly did it with love.  I hope she has forgiven me.

I was desperate to get a tattoo by the artist Lucid Lines.  I love her work.  She was only doing flash sales and they were always booked out really quickly. 

 The first time I tried I got an appointment I was logging onto my bank to pay for the session and someone else grabbed it from me.

Now I understood the rules.  I set an alarm for when the next flash sale went live and I was on it.  I got my appointment.  When I went to the studio she had all the work she was doing that day and I immediately chose the hand.  I don’t really know why I chose it, but I love it. 

Monty was pretty awful to everyone except me. He was an all black cat with serious attitude. I really wanted to get a tattoo of my cat Monty.   I felt like he and I were soulmates and I wanted him to be with me always.    I was in New York City and had heard fabulous things about the West 4 studio.  The tattoo artist and I discussed how we could do justice to an all black cat so we worked from photos I had and used his outline and it captures him beautifully.


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REFRESHING. Hard Seltzer - Tattoo Me Cooler

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